Stream What You Hear is now Open Source and new version 1.4

For the past 3 years I worked on Stream What You Hear for my personal needs. After a few months of use, I published a first technical article on my blog.

After this post, I felt the enthusiasm of many of you around this project and I created this site to share this free software.

Since then, I received a lot of feedbacks on this forum, by email, on my personal website and even by phone! Over 150,000 downloads in 2 and a half years! A big thanks you to all the donations from all around the world. They allow me to keep the site up and running!

But no new release since version 1.3 in December 2012! Only because SWYH is fully functional with my different equipment (Pioneer VSX-922 and XBMC / Kodi). Having no other equipment for testing, it’s very difficult or impossible to diagnose, much less correct defects that may be encountered on other equipment!

So, in order to continue this project, I decided to release the source code of SWYH to enable everyone to understand, diagnose, fix and improve this great application.

If you are a developer, fork SWYH on Github and improve it :

Any “pull request” is welcome! Thanks in advance to all future contributors. I will continue to update this site and compile new versions of SWYH to make it available to everyone!

And since good news never comes alone, a new version of SWYH is available: version 1.4.

This new version includes:

  • Support for multi-channel sound cards
  • Support sound cards with a higher sample rate to 48kHz 16 bit (tested to 24 bit, 192,000 Hz)
  • Streaming to a Media Renderer by starting SWYH.exe with the command line argument “-streamto: XX” (where XX is the name of your Media Renderer)
  • Fixed “the” bug (forum report)  that can cause a crash when starting SWYH (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
  • Optimizing CPU usage when SWYH is in “sleep” (acquisition and compression of the audio stream if and only if clients are connected)
  • Writing the “crash” log file when an unhandled error occurs on the user’s desktop (because access denied when writing the file into the SWYH directory in Program Files if not run as admin).
  • Upgrade to NAudio 1.7 and replacement of my MP3 encoding library (SWYH.Audio.Mp3.dll) by the new NAudio.Lame library
  • Other minor changes

This newer version is available on the download page.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your setup, please check the Forum and F.A.Q.

Posted in News, Non classé